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Welcome to the Forces AVENIR registration platform.

The Forces AVENIR College Program is back and grants totalling $60,000 will be awarded every year in order to recognize, honour and promote the commitment of students in projects that contribute to the development of socially conscious, responsible, active and persevering citizens who are both dedicated to their community and open to the world.

Are you involved at your college or in your community? Are you aware of people or projects whose achievements deserve to be acknowledged? Let your college institution know about them by completing the following form! Your college is currently selecting its winners for the Forces AVENIR program and your help in bringing to light outstanding individuals and projects in your community is greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions about how the program works, we invite you to contact your Forces AVENIR program representative at your college institution.

Important note: The selection committee at your college institution is responsible for choosing the winners whose applications will be submitted to Forces AVENIR, according to the program’s eligibility and selection criteria. The committee will choose the candidates who will receive recognition from among all the projects, all the students and all the staff members at the college institution.

Contact information for the person nominating a candidate
Candidate or project spokesperson contact information
Information about applications

Before completing your form, we invite you to read the following sections on the Forces AVENIR website:

College institution:
Category :

For the personality categories: In a maximum of 250 words, explain the reasons why you nominated this person, and briefly explain their goals and accomplishments.

For the project categories: In a maximum of 250 words, explain the reasons why you nominated this project, and briefly explain the project’s objectives and accomplishments.